Introducing Weekly Phish 

For quite some time now, has hosted about 90GB of downloadable Phish mp3 files. Previously, these have been made available via FTP, which worked well when I had a nice symmetrical high speed connection to my server. However, for some time now, those files have languished, virtually hidden. Yes, some still download, but there are too many requests and not enough outgoing bandwidth to satisfy most.

So I thought I'd try Weekly Phish. I've got a little space on some other servers and I'm giving BitTorrent a try. I'm going to try and put up 1-2 shows a week, and keep the torrents going for 2-3 weeks each. We'll have to just see how it goes.

So for now, here are the .torrent files for Lemonwheel Day 1 and Day 2 from 1998.

Don't know what BitTorrent is? Well shame on you, and go download yourself a client from BitTorrent is a peer to peer system of distributing files, except that everyone who runs a client also runs a server for the same file. That is, while you're downloading piece of the files, you may be uploading another piece you already have to others. Thus, you get the benefit of all those who have downloaded before you, and aren't relying on a single provider to get you the whole file.

Make sure you leave your clients running for a while after your download is complete so that others can benefit from your copy! 


Posted: Fri - December 3, 2004 at 03:00 PM          
