History Hound 

History Hound is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I've become addicted, and I can't live without it.

This piece of software does something that should be built into every browser by default - it keeps a completely searchable index of every web page you've visited in the last n days (defaults to 60.) That is, any text on any web page that you've visited, you can now search for and find instantly.

Don't remember where you read the article about botulinum toxicity? Just hit the HH hotkey, type in your search term and up come the pages, including when you last visited them. Fantastic. It even includes a mini-browser so you can preview the pages (complete with highlighted search terms) before jumping back to your regular browser. This thing works with just about every browser for OS X and NetNewsWire 2, so it can cache the RSS feeds you read.

You can set HH to scan periodically and tell it how long to keep pages valid. It seems to be pretty unobtrusive - even when scanning the system seems pretty well behaved, it has a great Bloodhound-looking icon, and works exceptionally well. What more could you want?

The thing is $20 from St. Claire Software. They also offer a 30 day demo version from http://www.stclairsoft.com/HistoryHound/index.html so you can get a feel for what you're getting.

Hit the Permalink for a screenshot. 

Posted: Tue - December 14, 2004 at 01:42 PM          
