Galerie 4.0 

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Galerie has just been released in version 4.0. Galerie will suck in pictures from iPhoto and now (GraphicConverter and iView Media Pro as well) and spit out nice web pages based on scads of downloadable templates. Galerie will take these generated pages and upload them to your web hosting space using FTP, which makes it very easy to put together quick pages of images you want people to see. And it doesn't work with just photos - just about any type of Quicktime compatible media can be added to a page where they will play automatically.

Let's see - what else? Slideshows, picture watermarking, captioning, keywords, great collection of templates. What more coud you ask for? Oh - Did I mention that Galerie is FREE as well? Yup - you don't really need to waste money on any another web page generation app if you have this one. Download it now. 


Posted: Mon - November 15, 2004 at 09:29 AM          
