More T-Mobile Details 

Wired currently has an article that details what exactly was the fault of the T-Mobile system, at least for some of the crackers - a quite common application called WebLogic. In 2003, a vulnerability was found that would allow someone to read and write arbitrary files. A patch was immediately issued, but apparently no one at T-Mobile cared to actually apply it.

And so it goes. A cracker had access to complete customer records, SS numbers, the whole schmear, because someone didn't pay attention to patches coming from their vendors. This is probably a good indicator of the pervasiveness of this problem however. If a large company with a (presumably) huge IT department running their systems can miss this, I wonder how many more open systems there are out there. With your data on it. Just waiting to be cracked.


Posted: Mon - February 28, 2005 at 09:16 AM          
