More Daylight Saving Time? 

The super-geniuses in the Congress have added an amendment to an energy bill that would extend daylight saving time another two months, ending in the final week of November. They claim that doing this will save 10,00 barrels of oil a day for each of the additional days it's in effect. However, someone should let these jokers know that we'll spend all that energy reprogramming the world's computers so they know the new daylight saving time parameters. Not to mention the inevitable headaches that will result from continually updating the clocks on those machines that don't recognize the new time. It will be a disaster. If they want to change it, make it year round. That's at least easier to change existing computers to support.

Does anyone think about this crap before they go opening their mouths? Seriously, what a bunch of idiots.

Link to CNN article. 


Posted: Thu - April 7, 2005 at 12:34 PM          
