MPAA Going After TV Downloads 

You knew it was coming, didn't you. The inevitable smack down of those evil mustache-twirling THIEVES that are downloading copies of the Simpsons. Yes, the dinosaur in the tar-pit that is the MPAA has sued and effectively shutdown six major Bit-Torrent sites specializing in TV shows.

I suppose that their recent loss in the broadcast flag legislation process caused them to lash out at the ones they love - the TV and movie going public. So refrain from downloading this crap all you who yearn to see what Apprentice gets that cushy job. For it won't be long until the whole pile of crap that is the MPAA will be hopelessly sunk. If all they can come up with is more and more regulation, with less and less innovation, it's inevitable that that someone with better ideas will pass them by.

Link to ZDNet article.
Link to MPAA press release (in PDF) [ Beware gratuitous fear mongering ] 


Posted: Fri - May 13, 2005 at 01:40 PM          
