Utah Can Now Censor the Web 

It's happened: The Governor of Utah has signed HB 260, which creates a huge bureaucracy to keep lists of sites not appropriate for children and forces ISPs to block those sites for those who request it. Also, anyone who creates or hosts any content in Utah for profit must now rate it, or face criminal (3rd degree felony) charges.

Now come the inevitable lawsuits, and tons of state and other money wasted defending a bill that nobody really wants and that most agree won't survive a challenge in the courts. A similar law in Pennsylvania was struck down in the courts last year.

Thanks lawmakers. Now I know what you do with your time: waste money. And to Governor Huntsman: No more votes for you.

Link to previous entry about the bill.
to CNet article.


Posted: Tue - March 22, 2005 at 02:45 PM          
