Banning Pointy Knives in Britain 

I can hardly believe that this isn't a joke article. But it's on CNN's website. Doctors in Britain are calling for the banning of large pointed kitchen knives. That is, no more traditional chef knives. In the kitchen. The knife is the most popular murder weapon in Britain, and the claim is made that the easy availability of the pointy kitchen knife makes impulse killings fueled by alcohol or, perhaps, stupidity far too easy.

They propose replacing these culinary killing machines with blunt-nosed varieties, saying that there is no need for sharp pointy objects in the kitchen. They even surveyed 10 whole chefs to prove it. Ten! So that's settled, then. Seriously, what's next? If the knives are banned, it will be heavy blunt objects that go next - until we're all drinking soup from plastic disposable bowls and playing nerf cricket. 


Posted: Fri - May 27, 2005 at 09:56 AM          
