More Worrying Intelligent Design Nonsense 

This opinion piece from Jay Mathews in the Washington Post is yet another in a long string of articles that have been appearing in the mainstream press over the past few months. Like the others, this piece has the author claiming that he sees no problem with teaching ID and the theory of evolution side by side. He says this is ok because students and teachers alike get a lot out of comparing and contrasting these two theories.

To be fair, Mr. Mathews seems like he comes down fairly on the side of science when talking about this, but it's hard to tell here. He's treating ID like it has some sort of near-equivalency with evolution. The problem is that, of course, it doesn't. I'm cool with teaching the history of theories that didn't make it when talking about evolution. Hell - go all Lamarckian on the little punks - at least it was a valid theory in it's day. Heck, even where there is some real debate about the theories there is no real problem teaching all sides. But this ID crap is nothing but religion wrapped in pseudo-science. It's not an alternate theory of how life came to be. Keep it out of the classroom please. 


Posted: Thu - March 24, 2005 at 07:57 PM          
